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Yarnspinners Tales's Podcast

Welcome!  This is a periodic podcast all about my experiences making yarn through the process of spinning.  All areas of the process are discussed, and there will be something here for any spinner, novice or experienced.  There is a Ravelry group for podcast listeners, called Yarnspinnerstales Spin In. Please join us there.

If you are a current listener and have not been receiving automatic updates, please go to iTunes or Stitcher, and under podcasts search for Yarnspinners Tales Podcast.  It should show up and you can subscribe again.

If you like to download and listen off line, check out the new player here on the webpage by each episode, it has a nifty download button now! 

Oct 9, 2018

Links to vendors mentioned in the podcast:

Stitches events in general Atlanta Ga event May 30-June 2 2019 Stitches United is on that page too.

Youghiogheny Yarns Keri Fosbrink dyer

Fiberlady bamboo fiber

Buffalo Wool Co Buffalo wool yarn and fiber

Franklin Habit

Shirsty Cat Designs Merino silk fiber

2 Guys Yarn Company

Sep 4, 2018

In this discussion of what I did during the 2018 Tour de Fleece, I talk about the wool breed Zwartbles, spinning buffalo fiber on a drop spindle and finally a very rare breed of wool, Dor Galen.

The buffalo fiber was included in the Clouds of Luxury from the Etsy store Sericin

The Dor Galen fiber was purchased at a...

Aug 18, 2018

My favorite time of the spinning year, the Tour de Fleece event.  As promised, here is the review of what I spun this year.

This is part one of the two part podcast.

A few links.  To see photos of all of the lovely fibers and yarns I talked about, go to my group in Ravelry, yarnspinners spin in and look at the TdF2018...

Jul 5, 2018

When I find that a podcast has no specific topic, but many different stories, I call them a spin-in.  I also likened this to writing you a letter, dear listener! But mostly it feels like when we gather together with our spinning wheels and spin and talk.  One never really knows what the conversations will be.

I catch...

Updated Episode Listing

Jun 28, 2018

Epi # Topic                                Date

1 Using Combs/Shetland              10/28/07
2 Spin In General Chatter            11/13/07
3 Raising Angora Rabbits             12/01/07
4 Christmas music only                12/16/07
5 Spinning Angora                       01/18/08
6 Border Leicester and BFL       ...