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Yarnspinners Tales's Podcast

Welcome!  This is a periodic podcast all about my experiences making yarn through the process of spinning.  All areas of the process are discussed, and there will be something here for any spinner, novice or experienced.  There is a Ravelry group for podcast listeners, called Yarnspinnerstales Spin In. Please join us there.

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If you like to download and listen off line, check out the new player here on the webpage by each episode, it has a nifty download button now! 

Jul 7, 2009

This podcast talks about carding with handcarders, or a drumcarder.  Not only is it a wonderful way to get your fiber ready to spin, it is also a very useful tool for blending fibers or colors.

Carding with handcards is shown on this video. We made this video when we were podcasting about cotton, but the concept of carding is the same, and I thought it would be good to include the link again.

There was a big announcement quietly made in this podcast: My new online shop! This shop will be a place for selling fibers and other creative pursuits that catch my fancy.  You can find it at  ZavagantStudios at the Artfire website.

If you want to see other carding that I have been doing, check out my blog. 

The music used in today's podcast is from a podsafe music network, mevio (formally the podsafe music network site).

The interlude music is Summer by General Fuzz

The closing song is Midsummer Night by Robert Walker.

And as always a big thank you to Clare Dowling for the spinning song that I use as my podcast theme song.

Happy blending!