Aug 10, 2014
Beta 10/09/07
Episode 1 Using Combs / Shetland 10/28/07
Episode 2 Spin In 11/13/07
Episode 3 Raising Angora Rabbits 12/01/07
Episode 4 Christmas Music 2 episodes 12/16/07
Episode 5 Spinning Angora 01/18/08
Episode 6 Spin In Border Leicester and BFL 02/02/08
Episode 7 Skirting a Shetland Fleece 02/16/08
Episode 8...
Aug 10, 2014
If you are interested in joining the YST Ravelry group, you can find it by getting on Ravelry, and going to the groups search box. Search under Yarnspinnerstales spin in and it should give you the link you need to find us.
Music today is from MusicAlley. The opening song is Things Will be Better Next Year by
Aug 1, 2014
This is a 10 minute podcast that I will release on the first of every month. It has all the information about how to find specific episodes, where to contact me and how to get your very own spinner's journal.
I listen to many podcasts and get tired of hearing the podcaster's information over and over before we get to...