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Yarnspinners Tales's Podcast

Welcome!  This is a periodic podcast all about my experiences making yarn through the process of spinning.  All areas of the process are discussed, and there will be something here for any spinner, novice or experienced.  There is a Ravelry group for podcast listeners, called Yarnspinnerstales Spin In. Please join us there.

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If you like to download and listen off line, check out the new player here on the webpage by each episode, it has a nifty download button now! 

Jun 19, 2020

The sheep breed for this podcast was new to me, after all my years of reviewing.  The Gulf Coast Native was raised long ago for it's tolerance to the conditions of the deep US south regions.  But it lost it's favored position, and is now on the critical list of sheep breeds.  The group 52 weeks of sheep included it this year in it's list to study.  I purchased my fiber sample from Herie7 in  the Etsy store.

I also spend some time talking about washing fleeces that are very dirty.  Beside the dish detergent Dawn which is readily available, I review Namaste Farms washing products from Natalie Redding.  It is available from the Woolery here.