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Yarnspinners Tales's Podcast

Welcome!  This is a periodic podcast all about my experiences making yarn through the process of spinning.  All areas of the process are discussed, and there will be something here for any spinner, novice or experienced.  There is a Ravelry group for podcast listeners, called Yarnspinnerstales Spin In. Please join us there.

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If you like to download and listen off line, check out the new player here on the webpage by each episode, it has a nifty download button now! 

Sep 16, 2008

Do you really know how your spinning wheel works?  Knowing how it works will help you spin the yarn you want, instead of just spinning whatever happens type of yarn.

It's September, and that means back to school.  So we hit the books and learn about three different types of flyer bobbin systems used in spinning wheels.  Once you figure out what type of wheel you are using, you can then understand how to make your wheel work for you.

There's lots of information on this podcast, so to give us a bit of a break, I am using music from the group CatzintheHatz.  Here's a link to their music:

And to close the podcast, there's a wonderful parody song, Wake Me up When this Math Class is Done, by the group fump:

As always all music is from the podsafe music network.

Thanks for listening!

sixteen and a half years ago

Thank you sooo much for this podcast! I am just thinking about buying a second wheel and now I know that I need a double drive wheel!
Thanks, I am really enjoying your podcasts!

From Germany

sixteen and a half years ago

What a wonderful and informative podcast! I\\\'m a brand new spinner and this was so helpful to me. I\\\'ll be listening to it again when the wheel I just ordered (a Babe Production DT) arrives in the mail! I\\\'m downloading all the other episodes right now! Thanks for putting out such a great show!

over sixteen years ago

Thank you for explaining the double drive so well. I\\\'m going to do sample yarns like you suggested. Have a Pipy wheel, and it will be much more useful to have this!